Wilcox - I Want Bright And Bubbly Players Against Coventry

Last updated : 16 September 2014 By Covsupport News Service

Scunthorpe United manager Russ Wilcox has said that he wants his players to be bright and bubbly against Coventry City tonight (7.45pm).

Speaking to Chris Sumpter of the Scunthorpe Telegraph, Wilcox said: “I have asked the players to be bright and bubbly because we can’t change Chesterfield now, but we can affect Coventry. The team that goes out there will be a positive team.

“I’ve got an honest group and that is very important to me. It was important during the recruitment process that we were getting the right people as well as the right players.

“It’s not going our way at the moment for various reasons, but the only way we can turn it around is by working hard.

“This is why we worked so hard last season in League Two, to play against the likes of Coventry. It’s great to be involved in these games rather than, and I mean no disrespect, your Accrington Stanleys and your Morecambes.”

more on this:: http://www.scunthorpetelegraph.co.uk/Focus-football-Russ-Wilcox-controls-controllables/story-22928752-detail/story.html#ixzz3DTLi3Zmm