Coventry City Conservative Councillors are refusing to sign a confidentuality agreement on negotiations between the Council, Arena Coventry Limited and Coventry City FC over issues such as the rent for Sky Blues using the Ricoh Arena, which was built with public money.
This agreement to which CCFC officials have already agreed to sign up to, along with the Labour Councillors, was put to them by Chris West and Martin Reeves who are the Council's representatives on Arena Coventry Limited.
Councillor Kevin Foster told the CT's Les Reid: "We objected to the breadth of what we were being asked to sign. Our first duty is to those who send us here as their elected representatives, not to other organisations or groups.
"We recognise that it would be inappropriate to make publicly available some information shared with Councillors, but we are not prepared to sign up to sweeping statements on broad areas for five years. It's a gagging order."