Sorry Does Not Cut It

Last updated : 05 December 2016 By PM

Has he (venus) resigned yet? after our discussion with Tim Tim nice but dim and then Venus in the car park at Cambridge, the pair are clueless.

Tim Fisher took time to chat with about 10 of us , think we made our point very well, the same old spiel came dribbling out as per usual, we are going to do this and going to do that.

I asked why dont SISU give up taking the Council to court wasting all of the money gained from selling our young players, reply was that it came from out a fund and that all transfer fees were being used to keep the club afloat. ??????

I laughed when Tim Fisher stated that he hadnt been paid for 18 months, when asked about working for nothing he said that he was being paid by other companies that he is involved with.

Having waited for the team to come out and get onto the coach home most of the players apologised for the performance, Sorry dont pay the bills lads, money does. We work hard every week so that we can go to games to follow our team and they dont turn up, and when they do all they can do is drop their heads and say sorry. * Look in the mirror boys what do you see?
* Are you happy with your contribution?
* Do you really want to play for Coventry City or are you just here for a pay day loan?
Dont you think a refund on what the loyal fans went through the past 3 games is in order?

Get you acts together the end of the season is coming fast nothging more to play for other than pride.

In my opinion its time that all the different group supporting City sat down and made immediate plans to protest harder than ever before its too late. Futile marches with only a meagre few attending are not doing anything, we need to get into the media full face now, lets stop messing around action is needed asap.