Members of the Sky Blue Trust are invited to attend the Annual General Meeting of the Trust on Monday 21 July 2014, starting at 7.30pm at the Squirrel Public House, Greyfriars Lane, Coventry, West Midlands CV1 2GY
The business to be carried out at the meeting is as follows:
1. Minutes of AGM - 1 July 2013
2. To receive the Accounts for the year ended 31 January 2014.
3. Amendment of Trust Rules - to consider a report of the Secretary
4. Election Policy - to consider a recommendation of the Board to adopt an Election Policy.
5. Board Membership and Conduct Policy - to consider a recommendation of the Board to adopt an Election Policy.
6. Consideration of any resolution(s) notice of which has/have been given to the Secretary.
7. Open Forum for Members.
8. AGM adjourned to 13 October 2014, to conduct election of Board members.
Members will note that they are able to submit resolutions for consideration at the AGM. Any member wishing to do this should email the secretary of the Trust - - by no later than 12 noon on Friday 4 July 2014, setting out the justification for, form and content of the proposed resolution.
Copies of the documents to be considered at the AGM, referred to under items 2, 3 4, & 5 above are attached below. Copies of any resolutions submitted by Members will also be made available on the website before the meeting.
Members who may wish to appoint a proxy to vote for them at the AGM may do so by using the form on the Trust website.
Any member who has any queries about the AGM or the business to be conducted should contact the Secretary on the email address given above.
Please note that, as explained in the report for item 4 above and stated in item 8 above, the AGM will be adjourned to Monday 13 October 2014, at 7.30pm, also at the
Squirrel, to conduct the election of Board members. Separate notice of that adjourned AGM will not be given to Members so please make a note of the date.
The AGM is your opportunity to continue to shape the direction of the Trust so please attend – WHY NOT?