The Sky Blue Trust has tabled a number of questions to which they want answers to at the Fans Forum tomorrow night.
The questions are below:
1 What is the actual level of debt that Coventry City FC currently owe and who are the major creditors?
2 How much is the club still losing each month even though the wage bill has been slashed and no rent has been paid?
3 Will the money that the club is contractually obligated to pay but has refused to do so during the 'negotiations' ever been paid, or will ACL, a company belonging to the citizens of Coventry and a Coventry based charity be deprived of £0.75m it is owed?
4 The Gael Bigirimana and Richard Keogh transfers have generated up front cash payments. Where specifically has this revenue been allocated to within the business.
5 Will SISU continue to fund the club next season, even if they do not gain control of the stadium or promotion is not achieved.
6 The club's debt is now owed via a debenture to AVRO, a SISU owned company in the Caymen Islands - is the purpose of this to give preferential creditor status in the eyes of an administrator or to maximise any returns in the event of liquidation?
More on the Sky Blue Trust: